Thursday, September 3, 2020

Hunger game Essay Example for Free

Craving game Essay In the novel the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the principle character is Katniss Everdeen a female that speak to area 12. All through her excursion she needs to battle against eleven other region and twenty-three different tributes so as to be the last tribute to endure. Despite the fact that Katniss realize that the Hunger Games isn't a simple undertaking to finish winning or remaining alive is the main choice, she despite everything gain the force and confidences to contend. All through the Hunger Games all the force was given to the authoritarian legislature of the state house. The administration had the option to control the individuals and the regions of Panem, on the grounds that they hold the vast majority of the nation of Panem riches. In theHunger Games the residents of Panem were consider to be hirelings in a ruthless round of life and demise. The games keep the individuals of the locale separated and battling among themselves. â€Å"Taking the children from our regions, driving them to execute on another while we watch† (1.â 18). The principle intention is to remind the regions how feeble they are, and can't fail to address it, their demises is for broadcast diversion. As the excursion proceeds Katniss began to grow more force and confidences in herself. The control the state house has over each locale is to look after request. In any case, when it came to Katniss and Peeta the state house had little authority over them. â€Å"Eventually I comprehended this would just lead us to more trouble† (1. 6). As of right now Katniss’s dread that the legislative center is controlling her. â€Å"I don’t need them to transform me in there. Transform me into a beast that I’m not† (10. 141). Peeta needs incredible himself, not as one of the capitol’s workers. The Hunger Games included various phases of oppressed world. In which they utilized publicity to control the residents of Panem. The main choice they have is to battle for their endurance to win or to be executed. Anyway Katniss routs the state house and liberates the locale from its fierceness.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Exploring the Ruin of Man in Rappaccinis Daughter Essay -- Rappaccini

Investigating the Ruin of Man in Rappaccini's Daughter  Who will recover man from his abhorrent propensities and his fallen state?â Nathaniel Hawthorne in Rappaccini's Daughter dives into the idea of man and uncovers that the detestable minds and maneuvers of man may in the end lead to his ruin. Rappaccini's Daughter is a story set in the mid-nineteenth century in Padua, Italy, a nation notable for its sentimental stories and history. This period in time was set apart by different logical disclosures, particularly in medication. This blast prompted broad discussions on science and religion. There was the contention of whether to let things happen normally or to meddle with the procedures of nature. It starts with an understudy, Giovanni Guasconti, who goes to the University of Padua to seek after his investigations (Hawthorne 45) yet experiences passionate feelings for Beatrice, the little girl of a celebrated botanist Dr. Rappaccini who develops a noxious nursery. In spite of the way that Giovanni Guasconti had however an inadequate flexibly of gold ducats in his pocket, he took lodgings in a high and miserable chamber... [fit] to have been the royal residence of a Paduan honorable (Hawthorne 45). This been the first occasion when he was out of his local sphere,... [Giovann i] was unused to Padua and missed Naples and the chipper daylight of Southern Italy (Hawthorne 46).â Giovanni depicts the age looking for information. Underneath his window [was] a nursery [consisting] of an assortment of plants which appeared to have been developed with surpassing consideration (Hawthorne 46). Deliberately situated in the focal point of the nursery was the destruction of a marble fountain...[whose] water kept on spouting and shimmer into the sunbeams as lively as could be (Hawthorne 46) similarly as [Beatrice's] sp... ... The legend of the Garden: Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'Rappaccini's Daughter'.â Studies in the Literary Imagination II, 1969,â (pp. 3-12) Evans, Oliverâ Purposeful anecdote and Incest in 'Rappaccini's Daughter' nineteenth Century Fiction Vol. 19, 1964, (pp. 185-195) Genesisâ The Bible Hawthorne, Nathaniel The House of Seven Gables (1851) September 1998, (December 1998) Hawthorne, Nathanielâ The Marble Faun (1859-60) September 1998â (December 1998) Hawthorne, Nathanielâ Rappaccini's Daughter American Short Stories (1820 to the present). Jones, Madison  Short Story Criticism Vol. 3 1989 (pp. 191-193) Kloeckner, Alfredâ The blossom and the Fountain: Hawthorne's main images in 'Rappaccini's Daughter' American Literature Vol. 38, 1966-67 (pp323 - 331)â

Friday, August 21, 2020

Case Study Anylsis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Contextual analysis Anylsis - Essay Example Qualities: Burberry had solid and compelling supervisory group. Successful permitting development of the organization conveyed immense steady profit for its capital venture. The brand had been offering legacy item to its superior clients. The organization was entirely adaptable as far as item sourcing. Also, it had savvy introduction of lower value-based. Shortcoming: Limited vertical reconciliation limited the assembling edge and worth. Low impact in Japanese upside Its Brand augmentation in attire fragment has expanded high hazard in style industry. Answer 2. Burberry had the market position in the middle of top brands like Giorgio Armani and Polo Ralph Lauren in clothing and among Gucci and mentor in adornments. The choice of Bravo to reposition the brand is to get the fascination of the more youthful clients towards the brand while getting Burberry’s client base. The objective was to become top brand in the extravagance greats. Bravo would not like to bleeding edge the old style design pattern of Burberry however it planned to be mainstream in the new age by reengineering the brand position in the market. Answer 3. Bravo and the compelling group chose to decrease the dated item structured which made a gigantic unsold stock. It employed new effective group for upgrading the item as indicated by the pattern of youthful age and their decisions with the goal that the brand will be well known to this segment section of market. In conclusion Burberry concocted new picture of new structured product offering. Young person is such a great amount of not the same as somebody else’s way of life that lives in the English open country, similarly as the way of life of a broker is totally different from the way of life of a fusionist. So except if we have a solid vision and talk with a predictable voice, we risk losing our image believability. Answer 4. In 2002, the organization was having 3126 discount customers on the planet which comprise of 434 medium and huge departmental stores and 2728 organization possessed outlets. The organization opened progressively 132 little stores in Barcelona, New York and London. It has an enormous number of existing client base who are most extreme old style and customary selection of individuals who very used to purchase the old planned result of Burberry. By 2003, Burberry things, both authentic and fake, had gotten progressively famous among urban youth and hip-bounce performers. An individual from the house in the unscripted television arrangement Big Brother had worn Burberry continually. In spite of the fact that this brand alliance was seen a positive sign that Burberry had accomplished motivational status among youth, there was a worry that this connection could in the long run distance Burberry's center clients. Answer 5. With regards to the brand’s unpleasant climate legacy, the ladies swear line generally centered around the pre-winter/winter season; be that as it may, it had advanced as of late to incorporate clothing for hotter atmospheres. The spring/summer 2000 assortment had even highlighted Burberry check two-pieces, which had demonstrated to be tremendously well known. The organization offered 330 to 350 styles for each season, and the assortment had been refreshed to incorporate a more extensive grouping of design affected clothing. The embellishments assortment included â€Å"soft† extras, for example, scarves, shawls, and ties, just as â€Å"hard† adornments, for example, satchels, little calfskin products (belts and wallets), women’s shoes, gear, umbrellas, eyewear, and timepieces. As Pamela Harper, head of frill, clarified, â€Å"Accessories are a bit of the dream†; their wide scope of value focuses made them an available section point for

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Essay on “Mergers and Acquisitions Factors Determining Success and Failure”

Essay on â€Å"Mergers and Acquisitions: Factors Determining Success and Failure† Abstract This report looks at mergers and acquisitions globally and considers why so many fail. Despite this scenario, management decision-makers still continue to look for opportunities. This study researches both successful and unsuccessful mergers and acquisitions in order to determine the reasons for both successes and failures. Perhaps, historically mergers have occurred between companies that are similar in size and also have similar interests , yet acquisitions tend to facilitate larger organizations and companies acquiring smaller businesses. It is now common for mergers and acquisitions to be enacted across borders, often providing solutions for corporates to extend their influence from national into international markets. However, despite the financial expertize available to ascertain the viability of such business transactions, many of these business ventures fail, or at best do not perform according to expectation; reflected in adversely affected share prices. This report seeks t o understand the motivating factors behind the continuing drive by many boards of directors to pursue this type of business transaction, and how this trend of failures can be reversed. Introduction In recent times, global competition and the drive to leverage advantage, has resulted in both small and larger companies combining resources. Consolidations of markets are one of the main reasons for MAs. Corporates possessing similar products and services are looking to both consolidate and expand; thereby utilizing joint interests to further their goals. Despite extensive ‘due diligence’ and research, there have been and still are many risks to venture into such business transactions. Although mergers and acquisitions are motivated by different requirements, the end result is to increase their size and capacity for growth. Due to the increasing development of business systems and ‘know how’ coupled with advances in communication technology, speed of growth and efficiency of operational function have become essential to ensuring survival and continued sustainability. Today’s investors often look for quicker returns on investment due to global economic volatility; thereby driving the search for ways to extract optimal profitability. In theory, mergers and acquisitions can assist businesses to increase efficiency by the lowering of overall costs per unit, known as economies of scale. A combination of joint corporate interests should enable greater revenue, with a lower ‘cost of sale’. However, factors such as differences in management styles and continually changing market conditions can negatively impact projected profitability and growth trends; thereby negating the perceived benefits of mergers and acquisitions. This report now turns to the methodology that is utilized in order to conduct the research needed, following which the causation of successes and failures in these business transactions can be determined. Methodology The information and data was sourced online looking at auditing company reports, independent articles and dissertations, management consulting firms and media organizations such as ‘Business Week’. Attention was specifically given to motivating factors driving mergers and acquisitions at the beginning of the century to more recent corporate transactions. In addition, a perspective was sought from sources regarding the varying reasons for such transactions being subject to successes and failures. Notwithstanding a significant failure rate, this research looked at the reasons why shareholders and company directors continued to drive the enactment of such business transactions. Motivating Factors Behind Mergers and Acquisitions In researching the motivation behind the above mentioned mergers and acquisitions an article published in 2003, ‘Why do firms carry out mergers and acquisitions, and how can the difficulties involved be overcome?’, stated that even in 1998 the â€Å"total worldwide value† of â€Å"mergers and acquisitions was $2.4 trillion† (Gray 2003, p.1). It was also noted that in 61% of acquisitions â€Å"buyers destroyed their own shareholders wealth†. Despite this high failure rate back in 1998, consideration is given to why shareholders and corporate management still persist in directing their attention to business transactions of this nature. Assuming that profit and growth are primary considerations when planning such moves, it would seem that the lessons of history have not been learned. According to Gray, a perception by some business analysts is the belief that â€Å"One of the most common arguments for mergers and acquisitions are the belief that synergies may exist between different companies; thereby enabling more efficiency than if they operated independently. These synergies can materialize in the form of removing the duplication of operational functions, and additionally sharing management expertise. Added to this is a stronger and larger financial base from which to access more capital resources. However, this scenario is valid providing the different management structures can integrate not only their day to day operational functions, but also by merging different human resources invariably endowed with different company cultures and practices. In an article sourced from Business Week titled, ‘Mergers: Why Most Big Deals Dont Pay Off’, it was suggested that a driving force behind mergers and acquisitions was ‘an affliction known by many financial economists as the â€Å"winners curse† (Henry 2002, p. 2). This suggests a mindset that incorporates a ‘safety in numbers’ thinking or possibly the fear of ‘losing out’. Resulting from this perhaps irrational pursuit of thinking is the ignoring of basic business considerations that are normal in any such transactions; proactive actions such as due diligence and factoring in differences of corporate cultures and ideologies. Another motive behind mergers and acquisitions is regarding increased market share and penetration into new markets. According to a study ‘Motives and Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions’ it was noted that â€Å"market power can help companies compete more effectively and revenue growth can be achieved by lowering the prices of products which are highly price sensitive† (Wang 2007, p.21). The study goes on further to provide other motives such the combining of resources thereby enabling the creation of new product lines, technologies and opening up additional markets. Increased market share combined with the creation of innovative products and services can enable two companies to exploit opportunities within the marketplace. Factors Behind the Failures of Mergers and Acquisitions There are many factors that may be viewed as causation for mergers and acquisitions failures, however simply put, (Henry 2002, p. 2) suggest that it is often because â€Å"primarily because the bidders paid too much†. Notwithstanding, if this was the only primary reason, then financial expertize would have determined systems or methodology in order to prevent the re-occurrence of such failures. However, the merging or takeover of companies is both complex and fraught with risks, both tangible and perhaps less able to predict or evaluate. One these less tangible risks is an unexpected traumatic event as experienced in 9/11, 2001, or a natural disaster such as the recent tsunami in Japan; seriously affecting and disrupting their economy. Of course, current global political and economic uncertainty adds the possibility of further risk to any financial transaction; however history has shown that mergers and acquisitions have failed in large numbers even during times of prosperity and global economic growth. In addition to the above noted global political and economic uncertainties, a study conducted in 2008, suggested that three primary causes are responsible for merger and take-over failures. It first listed a cause in that â€Å"too many executives do not understand the importance of achieving appropriate levels of commonality in their processes and systems† (Duncan 2008, p. 1). This further confirms the above previously discussed theory regarding the relevance of merging or blending two existing cultures and ideologies together, and the inherent risks pertaining to cultural and ideological diversity. Duncan also suggests that another primary causation of these transactional failures relates to a scenario in which â€Å"many company leaders do not know how to go about achieving commonality in their processes and systems† (p. 3). Here an organization’s internal functions including the utilization of technical and administrative systems are deemed to include the ab ility to communicate and translate into â€Å"divisional goals and objectives†. He notes that this process of achieving commonality starts at the top of the management structure and flows down throughout the entire corporate infrastructure. To achieve this objective, a common and shared implemented. According to Duncan, a third primary reason for failure is that many mergers and acquisitions do not achieve expected performance levels due to â€Å"executives are frequently unable to follow through on the difficult decisions related to post-acquisition and post-merger consolidation† (p. 3). Perhaps in the euphoria and excitement of such corporate transactions, attention is diverted from streamlining the combined infrastructures and resources, and in addition ignoring the necessity of effecting efficiency and the integration of both systems and human resources. In another sourced article commissioned by a daily newspaper, The Telegraph (U.K.) it was clearly stated that, â€Å"Poor governance Lack of clarity as to who decides what, and no clear issue resolution process† (Siegenthaler 2010, p. 1). This statement further justifies and confirms Duncan’s third referenced theory regarding the ability of key management personnel to enact decisions in order to resolve issues pertaining to a merger or take-over. He goes on to specify communication issues specifically relating to the receiver of information and data. This is due to most of the communication by key management strategists being focused and targeted at decision-makers on an equal or similar management level rather than allocating attention to those personnel further down the chain of command. Furthermore, failure to communicate the rationale behind the merger or acquisition, leads a breakdown in the free flow of valuable information throughout the corporate structure. He maintains that all personnel want to know why the business transaction took place and in addition, what improvements are planned, how the company will be more viable after the transaction. Included was the ability for the key management personnel to convey or communicate how the new business structure would â€Å"feel†, and how the merger or acquisition would change the nature of their work environment; thereby necessitating the need for support during a period of integration and perhaps, a breakdown of operational and administrative functions. Finally, in a study conducted in 2007, ‘Mergers and Acquisitions A Case of System Failure’, it was pointed out that when considering an acquisition, it is important to focus on â€Å"how it will create value for shareholders and not on how it will increase the size of the company† (Virani 2007, p. 5). Perhaps by key management decision-makers directing their attention more on growth and infrastructural capacity, key investment requirements including enabling a viable return on investment are ignored; thereby leading to the increased risk of the unsustainability of such an acquisition. Factors Behind the Successes of Mergers and Acquisitions This study has already found that factors attributing to merger and acquisition losses are not by chance or luck, but rather by failing to allocate close attention to the many necessities needed within all aspects of combining and integrating two business structures. It has also been interesting to note that little reference was given in any of the previously sourced information laying blame on adverse external influences such as political and economic uncertainty. Likewise, it is found that factors attributed to the success of mergers and acquisitions are enabled due to sound business strategies; to which this report now turns. A study conducted titled ‘Why Mergers Fail and How to Prevent It’, pointed out that mergers and acquisition outcomes are â€Å"linked closely to the extent to which management is able to integrate members of organizations and their cultures† (Cartwright 2012, p. 2). This observation is closely parallel to sourced information previously discussed regarding the integration of personnel and cultures by different organizations. However, she also points out the relevance of sensitively addressing ‘individual’ concerns, minimizing the impact on all employees when integrating two different corporate entities into a single cohesive infrastructure. Logic suggests that the ‘human factor’ plays a significant role in the enablement of a successful ‘marriage’ of two companies. Regarding another factor that can contribute to the successful outcome of a merger or acquisition, a study titled ‘Why Do Mergers Fail? What Can Be Done to Improve their Chances of Success?’ suggest that â€Å"one way of ensuring that post-merger integration will run smoothly is to set up a postmerger integration team in all the critical areas of the organization† (Salame 2006, p. 18). Following this suggestion, it would be prudent to not only to enable pre-merger investigation such as due diligence, but also by planning prior to the merger, a task force dedicated to integrating all operational functions within both business entities; including administrative functions, marketing systems and plans, financial systems and human resources. Moreover, attention has been drawn above to the ‘human factor’, so when considering the employees, further attention should be allocated by this postmerger integration team to look at cultural diversity and issues pertaining to local communities. Such issues can include perceived inequalities of minority and disadvantaged population groups. Acceptance of cultural diversity and minorities can enable a smoother integration of two companies. This is especially applicable in the event that such integration takes place across international borders. Additionally, according to ‘Excellence in Financial Management’, it is suggested that many entrepreneurs do not acquire and plan long-term growth; thereby building companies â€Å"for the short-term, hoping to sell the company for huge profits† (Evan 2000, p. 1). Perhaps this may be perceived by some to be ‘short-sighted’; however, the result can often be the streamlining the companies into an efficient cohesive operation; thereby enabling profitability and perhaps growth so as to add perceived value. A question is raised whether such a short term viewpoint is arguably conducive to long term sustainability. However, by enabling quick solutions to integration challenges, savings and financial viability may be found. In a report published in 2008, ‘Mergers and acquisitions: opportunities for global growth’, it was noted that more companies are now â€Å"recognizing the growing importance of emerging markets† (Grant Thornton 2008, p. 4). This allows a company previously restricted by local or national competition, to combine resources with companies in areas where the return on investment may be higher. Furthermore, growth in many emerging markets such China, India and Brazil has been relatively strong when compared to the stagnant economies of more established major powers. Furthermore, Grant Thornton’s IBR survey has shown that shareholders and corporate decision-makers in the fast growing BRIC economies are now enthusiastically embracing MA† (p. 6). This paper suggests that perhaps accessing emerging markets via mergers and acquisitions may be a key strategy for future sustainable growth. Recognizing the energy and vitality of emerging markets can stimulate more established companies and organizations based in ‘Western’ economies that have been subjected to defensive and perhaps negative outlook based on poor economic outlook. In considering all these factors inherent to the implementation of successful mergers and acquisitions, a report ‘Mergers Acquisitions: A Global Research Report’ clearly stated that â€Å"As ever, it is the delicate balance between financial drivers and people aspects which underpins success. Neither is sufficient in itself to deliver the benefits† (Kelly, Cook Spitzer 1999, p. 2). Underscoring the importance of both financial expertise and the ability to recognize the validity of the ‘human factor, perhaps encapsulates what this investigation has sourced and evaluated. Conclusions and Recommendations Perhaps the measure of why shareholders and directors of companies are still pursuing mergers and acquisitions despite a global trend of a significant failure rate, can be attributed to the motivation for businesses to combine forces and resources so as to ensure sustainability. Notwithstanding the many failures, the economic downturn has perhaps highlighted the need to diversify resources into foreign and emerging markets; thereby potentially enabling higher levels of growth. Henry reasoned that a measurement of successful mergers can be enacted by evaluating stock market returns, one year after a merger (Henry 2002). Perhaps investors and shareholders should be able to influence such future business transactions so that an investment viewpoint incorporating ‘return on investment’ should be equally, or more weighted when evaluating such strategies.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nineteen Neglected Consequences of Income Redistribution by Robert Article

Essays on Nineteen Neglected Consequences of Income Redistribution by Robert Higgs Article The paper "Nineteen Neglected Consequences of Income Redistribution by Robert Higgs" is a delightful example of an article on finance and accounting. The current welfare system and in general, the overall type of income redistribution in America has become much more complicated and very complex. It had over the years become distorted and skewed away from its original good intentions to help people who are less fortunate in life and help them become productive citizens in a near-future such that they do not become wards of the state. Although there are many adverse and undesirable consequences of a socialist-oriented government welfare system, the original well intentions of those who designed these programs had thought of the excesses of a free-market capitalist economy wherein the rich get richer while the poor get poorer and gets left behind. It is unworkable for any liberal democracy for such huge gaps in inequality in both incomes and wealth to exist because it undermines the pri nciple of equality. However, the article is to be commended for citing the nineteen undesired consequences of such ill-advised social programs because it discourages people from seeking to increase their income due to excessive taxation in which the recipients of welfare are often undeserving of such help. A regressive tax system destroys the economy in the long term and also makes society poorer (Higgs para. 7). Response to a student's post – although it is indeed discouraging to pay more taxes in which these are given to people as free benefits without working for them, the other side of an argument like this is to reform the entire system of American income re-distribution to make it much more equitable. The reforms should look at each income re-distribution payment to see whether it makes sense to continue it, reform it, or just abolish it altogether to avoid leakages. People less fortunate should be helped but only up to a certain point and for a limited time only to prevent creating a culture of dependency and mendicancy but to promote meritocracy.

Concept of Hablumminannas and Hablumminallah free essay sample

Labor is one of the important aspects of the production factors. In Islamic Labor involved not only the relationship between labors but also the interpersonal relationships among employers. This relationship is known as Hablumminannas, which refers to human relations. Other than human relations, labor should also be emphasizing the relationship with the creator, which is Hablumminallah. Before the labor think about the relationships with the human, they should strengthen their relationship with the creator. People need to keep their relationship with the creator, Allah SWT. This is because when a man is getting close to Allah SWT, their life more organized and disciplined. We are the human are the servants (Abdillah) to Allah SWT. So, we as Abdillah, must do all the command from Allah and omit all Allah’s forbid. There are many ways to get closer to Allah as do the obligatory and supererogatory worship. Labor must strengthen their relationship with God so that they do not do illegal things to the religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Concept of Hablumminannas and Hablumminallah or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Guided by the Rukun Islam and Rukun Iman, people will be more cautious in doing daily worship and able to perform their job activities without any difficulties. So, we should fulfill the obligation in order to get benefit in our daily live with the guideline from al-Quran and as-Sunnah. In al-Quran, there are stated about the economic activities. There also mentioned about business (tijarah), sell and buy (al-bai) and others. Islam is encouraging the people to do the business activities as long as the people follow the Islamic principle. When doing the economic activities, we need to pay alms according to the profit that we get from our economic activities. In Islamic principle, we are also need to take care of the citizen welfare and not to cheat people around us. Doing economic activities is just not to get any profit, but also be Allah’s servant and khalifah. In economic activities, all of the production goods must be in good condition such as clean, not damage, useful, and no harm to the people. In Islamic Labor also need the Hablumminannas, the relationship between human and human. After we have good relationship with Allah, we also need a good relationship with humankind. With these two relationships, Hablumminnallah and Hablumminannas, we will get peaceful and prosperous in our life. We are also need to balance between these two relationships in order to get our life equilibrium. So, as a labor, we need to live in a healthy life such as doing something in honest, sincere, and generous. In Islamic labor, in order to have the balance in economic activities, we need to know some factor, for examples people must have a positive thinking and they are free from doing unethical things. That’s mean, their spirit are full with honesty and sincere while their physical are free from any harmful and dangerous things. Employers must take care about the employee’s welfare, for examples employers must provide a good working condition, proper salaries, fringe benefits and others. At the same time, the employees also need to make good relationship with the employers, for examples by increasing their productivity. This will make the production in economic activities tend to rise and of course the relationship with employees and employers become better. Rasulullah SAW is the honest and trusted person. Its can be proven when Siti Khadijah entrust him to take care of her business. Rasulullah SAW also shows his good altitude during that time. Rasulullah SAW is honest and sincere when doing business activities. So, his business become more successful and gets more profit. Rasulullah SAW forbids his people to cheat in business activities. So, labor should balance their Hablumminallah and Hablumminannas in order to have a better spiritual and material wealth.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Forensic Science Essay Topics

Forensic Science Essay TopicsIf you have a passion for forensic science or want to pursue a career in this area, you may want to consider submitting a forensic science essay. An essay is a great way to make a strong first impression, show your ability to communicate well, and show that you have what it takes to succeed in this exciting field.There are two types of essay topics available to students interested in pursuing careers in forensic science. First, there are topics written by experienced professionals who are writing for colleges and universities. These topics are typically short and concise, containing only the most important information. The goal is to give the student a quick overview of the career, as well as to provide information to the reader about the basics of the field.Second, there are forensic science topics created by students themselves. These essay topics are shorter, more in-depth, and contain information from the student's research, written in a narrative sty le.Both types of topics have some similarities, but also have some differences. The outline structure of an essay can be somewhat similar between the two types of essay topics, but the plot points are usually different. A narrative based forensic science essay usually begins with an introduction, describing the writer's interest in the topic, followed by a short paragraph detailing the main points of the essay.Narrative essays also often start with a brief story or anecdote. This can be used to further draw the reader in, and let them know that the writer is a professional. It is also a great way to get the reader involved in the essay. Readers often begin with something they love, and the story is a way to connect with the topic.A narrative also allows the writer to 'wrap up' the points they wanted to make, by providing links to supporting information that supports the story. The goal is to use the story as a means to provide a great deal of information. When writing a forensic sci ence essay, you must first know the overall goals of the assignment. Knowing these goals will help make the writing process easier.Once you know what your main idea is, you will need to determine which type of essay is best for you. You should choose a topic that best suits your personal skills and style. A general research essay will not work as well for a forensic science professional as a more in-depth, focused research essay.For example, if you enjoy working with a variety of different people and materials, then a narrative based essay is probably the best choice for you. In this type of essay, you would use many different types of media, from paper to film to any number of different objects. If you are able to talk about this type of material in detail, then it will be very useful for your career in forensic science.